丈夫在一次奇怪的爆炸中死亡后,安帕羅開始在保安、前警察和酒鬼里奇的幫助下尋找答案。 與此同時,謀殺案總是遵循同樣的模式:受害者燒焦的尸體旁邊會出現(xiàn)一個庫羅玩偶,它是1992年塞維利亞世博會的標志性吉祥物。
4.0 茜茜公主第四季
2025 海外簡介:In the fourth season, Sisi challenges the best jockey in Bavaria to a grand horse race to save the family’s estate, Castle Possenhofen, after the death of her father. Back in her homeland, she comes across dark family secrets and ultimately must ask herself where she really feels at home. -
4.0 獵犬山
7.0 人設騙局第二季
9.0 暗地深仇
6.0 無聲的證言第二十八季
7.0 洛克比:尋找真相