馬文·蓋博(關(guān)繼威 飾)是一名在密爾沃基州郊區(qū)工作的房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀(jì)人,這里到處都有“房屋出售”的招牌。有一天馬文·蓋博突然收到一封來自蘿絲(阿麗亞娜·德博斯 飾)的緋紅色信封,蘿絲曾經(jīng)是被他拋棄等死的搭檔,所以她對他超級不爽?,F(xiàn)在,馬文被迫重新回到一個無情殺手的世界,充滿了雙重背叛,就連開放看屋活動都變成致命戰(zhàn)場。當(dāng)他脾氣火爆的犯罪集團老大兄弟“指節(jié)哥”(吳彥祖 飾)派出手下追捕他,馬文就必須面對一直糾纏著他的選擇,以及他從未真正逃離的過去。
9.0 多情男孩
5.0 重返行動
6.0 “騙騙”喜歡你
3.0 典范
2023 喜劇簡介: The Paragon is the story of DUTCH, the crippled and angry victim of a hit and run, who takes a course on how to be psychic so he can find the car that hit him and take revenge on the driver. But when his teacher ,LYRA, draws him into her search for a mysterious crystal known as THE PARAGON, Dutch finds himself trapped in a parallel universe and on the run from Lyra's evil brother HAXAN and his band of psychic slaves. -
6.0 東北“大仙兒”
8.0 大場面