陰間大法師(邁克爾·基頓 Michael Keaton 飾)回來了!在發(fā)生一場意想不到的家庭悲劇后,迪茲家族的三代家人又回到冬河鎮(zhèn)的家中。麗迪亞(薇諾娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 飾)仍然受到陰間大法師的糾纏,當她叛逆的女兒阿斯特麗德(珍娜·奧爾特加 Jenna Ortega 飾)在閣樓發(fā)現(xiàn)了神秘的小鎮(zhèn)模型,以及通往陰間的入口不小心被打開之后,她的生活就被搞得天翻地覆。當陰間和陽間開始出現(xiàn)麻煩時,遲早會有人說出陰間大法師的名字三次,然后這個調皮搗蛋的惡魔就會回來,釋放他獨特的混亂力量。
10.0 黏土人
2023 愛情簡介:Written by Ana?s Tellenne, the story revolves around the character of Rapha?l. Nearing sixty with a blind eye and an imposing physique, he’s well aware that people are afraid of him. He lives with his mother in a detached house located on a vast estate attached to the manor house of which he is the caretaker. He’s been leading a tranquil life since the owners passed away, but e... -
7.0 真愛小誤會
1.0 配對2
2.0 青春戀歌粵語
6.0 哥本哈根愛的故事
9.0 馬科斯·特里默的沉默